Looking for more information about Striatech and how we changed switched reluctance motors? Check out this article, published by EDrive Magazine.
It’s pretty cool to think of ourselves as an accidental motor company, but really that’s exactly how it happened. Our parent company was on the lookout for a motor that would fit their lathes. When the search had ended, they found that they had created a motor that could reach far beyond just woodworking. With that, our motor company was born. The growth we’ve experienced since then has been great, and we’re making a lot of changes in the way people think about Switched Reluctance motors. Did you know that there’s a myth floating around about how SR motors are noisy? Well, Striatech’s motors are virtually silent. On top of that, we’ve reduced out the torque ripple for which SR has been notorious.
So, all in all, we’re so excited about this product, and we look forward to sharing with you motors that have limitless applications. Be on the lookout for pool pump motors and air handling motors, coming very soon!